February 9, 2009

This last week

Well this week was not as productive as I would like it to be. I woke up Monday morning with gunk sealing my eye shut. I had pink eye! I had an exam that morning that I couldn't get out of so I went to that class only, knowing that I might get someone else sick. Tuesday I woke up with the worst sore throat and congestion that I have ever had. I went to the campus nurse because I knew that I could free sudafed there. I stayed on the couch with this sickness for the entire week. I had chills and sweats depended upon whether I had a fever or not. I had a migraine. My muscles felt like they wouldn't work. Oh and by the end of the week I had nasty diarrhea too. It was rather miserable. I went to the doctor Friday afternoon, was diagnosed with a sinus infection and sent home with a prescription for some antibiotics. I am finally better today, Monday.

I couldn't have done it without Morgan. Morgan took care of me, Lorraine, and himself. He would go to the store to get anything that we needed. He took Lorraine to her doctor's appointment. He would cook me anything that I would ask for.

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