Yesterday, Morgan was to receive payment for the courses he developed this summer. He worked for a month and a half on them and only got $1000.00 for it. To top it off, though, someone in payroll didn't have their act together and didn't get the paperwork off on time so that Morgan could be paid. It was so frustrating to look at the bank account Friday morning, thinking that we would pay rent that day and not seeing the money that was supposed to be there. It is really upsetting counting on a paycheck that doesn't come. This very thing has happened to us so many times, we budget based upon paydays, and then the money doesn't come and we are sent scrambling to pay the bills. How am I supposed to make a budget when I don't know if the next paycheck is actually going to come? Thankfully we had friends that trusted us enough to let us borrow enough to cover our rent and we had enough in our account to cover the rest of the bills without us having to put ANY bills on the credit card. However, what are we going to do next month when Morgan's student loan repayment begins? That's an extra $250.oo a month we have to come up with. Morgan and I have a month to find another job that will pay the bills in an economy that only has fast food jobs available. It's not that I think I am "too good" for them but they get treated like crap. I just don't have the emotional strength to go through a fast food job being talked down to when I have a college education.
We are in a losing battle staying in Nowhere, VA. There are very few jobs available here. Morgan has applied almost everywhere. But we don't feel that it is time to leave yet, because the Lord is pushing me to finish school. So what must be done? I don't have the answer to that yet.
2 weeks ago
Hang in there! Put Morgan's students loans on deferment or forebearance. You will qualify for the unemployment forebearance or financial hardship options. Jason and I have taken turns doing this with our loans, sometimes we've had them all on forebearance at once. Interest will accrue, but you won't have to worry about paying againg for at least 6 months, most often a year!