All of this stress is keeping me awake again. I have spent the last several nights awake with thoughts of what I need to do for next week's graduation, for Morgan's conference next month in PA, what must be done before the end of the week, how I can get Lorraine to eat better....and the list goes on and on. The crappy part is that by the time I get to sleep I can only get a few hours of sleep. When I finally drag myself from my bed I am too tired to put any of those great ideas to work. So now what do I do in the middle of the night? I can't go do laundry in the middle of the night at the laundromat. I can't book Morgan's hotel room for the conference because he probably can get a better rate with his work discount. I can't clean out the car to get it ready for the 1400 mile journey. I can't pack clothes because they aren't clean. I can't go to the grocery store in the middle of the night to get Lorraine some food that I think she actually might eat.
I am rather just frustrated that this vicious circle of insomnia keeps coming back. I've dealt with it before. While I worked at Ruby Tuesday, I wouldn't get off work until usually 12am, and many times later. I would have to come home and unwind at least a little, and then try to get to bed for my 6:30am wake up call to get Morgan from work, and then class for the day. Yet I found it very hard to get to sleep at all most nights because I would obsess over what I could have done differently to get more tips. It's stupid, I know. Now, the same thing is coming back. I am obsessed about what I need to do because of the busy schedule that I have and can't get any rest and I hate being a walking zombie the next day. I can't get anything done in that state, and yet here I am awake and staring at my computer screen.
Sorry, just needed to rant.....
2 days ago
Be careful. Keep an eye on yourself and Morgan keep an eye on you too. If he notices things starting to slip, listen to his counsel about what you should do about it.
ReplyDeleteAnd, I know here there are laundry mats open in the middle of the night, so that is a possibility. But also, Walmart is open 24/7, you could go there to get groceries. Get some rest.