March 9, 2009

Spring is in the Air!

Life is good here in Virginia, we have had some unseasonably warm weather but hey we aren't complaining! It has been absolutely beautiful here with the temperatures being around 70 during the day and 50 at night! It was great to have some nice weather, so we took Lorraine out to the park. Unfortunately I forgot the camera so no cute pictures.

Spring Break is here, and I am so glad to have a week off school to recuperate. I have been enjoying the time I have off but I know I will need to get a little work done before long.

Morgan is working hard and helping out around the house. Lorraine has a bit of a cold with a runny nose and cough, but she doesn't even act like she is sick, other than sleeping a bit more.

Not much else is going on!

1 comment:

  1. It has been warm here too. Of course warm for us is 50 degrees, not 70. Owen has loved playing outside. Today is cold and rainy again though, so who knows when the good weather will come back again. I'm sorry Lorraine is sick. Adam is sick too and I already have a sore throat. There's no way to avoid catching what your baby has no matter how hard you try! Enjoy your break. It's gotta be so nice after such a busy schedule!
